DJI Drone Detection System Passes UK’s National Infrastructure Protection Agency’s Evaluation
DJI Drone Detection System Passes UK’s National Infrastructure Protection Agency’s Evaluation
DJI AeroScope to be included in CPNI Catalogue of Security Equipment 9th December, 2019
DJI, the world’s leader in civilian drones and creative camera technology, is pleased to announce that its AeroScope drone detection system has been evaluated and passed by the UK’s Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure.
The ready-to-use system which can identify, track and monitor airborne drones, was assessed successfully under the CPNI Counter Unmanned Aerial Systems (CUAS) Detect, Track and Identify (DTI) Testing and Evaluation Standard and will be included in the CPNI Catalogue of Security Equipment (CSE).
“Whether implementing safety features into DJI drones or developing protocols such as our ‘Elevating Safety: Protecting The Skies In The Drone Era’, DJI recognises the importance of working with all stakeholders to ensure a safer flying environment for everyone,” said Christian Struwe, Director of Public Policy, DJI EMEA.
“It’s fantastic news that our DJI AeroScope system has been recognised by the UK’s Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure, as a remote-ID solution to enable authorities to identify who is flying near sensitive locations or in ways that raise serious concerns.”
Aviation regulators in many countries are moving to require remote ID systems for drones as a solution to concerns about drone safety and security and the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) will impose remote ID requirements in July 2020.
DJI’s AeroScope system is consistent with its problem-solving approach to drone regulation, which aims to strike a reasonable balance between authorities’ need to identify drones that raise concerns and drone pilots’ right to fly without pervasive surveillance.
DJI has led the industry with safety and security advances such as geofencing and sense-and-avoid technology, and believes the rapid pace of innovation provides the best means to address new policy concerns.
AeroScope works with all current models of DJI drones, which analysts estimate comprise over two-thirds of the global civilian drone market.
Since AeroScope transmits on a DJI drone’s existing communications link, it does not require new on-board equipment or modifications, or require extra steps or costs to be incurred by drone operators. Other drone manufacturers can easily configure their existing and future drones to transmit identification information in the same way.
During the CNPI’s assessment they found AeroScope was very simple to set up, learn and use with an intuitive interface. It responded to multiple UAS (Unmanned Aircraft System) operating concurrently and the detection, tracking and identification performance was consistent.
AeroScope is now included in the CPNI Catalogue of Security Equipment (CSE), and further information will be available on the CPNI’s public website next year.

AeroScope as a go-to remote-ID solution.
AeroScope is targeted at hobbyists and works on the presumption that people will obey the rules – both with regards to registration and no-fly zones. As a result, it’s not really intended to be deployed against drone pilots with malicious intent.
Having said that, there’s no reason why the system can’t be used in conjunction with other counter-measures to protect sensitive locations. Depending on the infrastructure, most drone-related disruption is caused by clueless hobbyists and those bending the rules on the presumption that they won’t get caught. AeroScope can certainly help with that.
“Whether implementing safety features into DJI drones or developing protocols such as our ‘Elevating Safety: Protecting The Skies In The Drone Era’, DJI recognises the importance of working with all stakeholders to ensure a safer flying environment for everyone,” said Christian Struwe, Director of Public Policy, DJI EMEA.
“It’s fantastic news that our DJI AeroScope system has been recognised by the UK’s Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure, as a remote-ID solution to enable authorities to identify who is flying near sensitive locations or in ways that raise serious concerns.”
Balance between drone ID and pilot privacy.
AeroScope represents DJI’s best efforts to find a middle ground between authorities’ need to identify drones and pilots’ right to fly without pervasive surveillance.
It works with all current models of DJI drones and transmits via an existing communications protocol, so there’s no requirement for new on-board equipment or modifications.
According to DJI, “During the CNPI’s assessment they found AeroScope was very simple to set up, learn and use with an intuitive interface. It responded to multiple UAS (Unmanned Aircraft System) operating concurrently and the detection, tracking and identification performance was consistent.”